Thursday, November 24, 2011

To write this piece in 2011 on Facebook etc., never. But is 2011 that far from '11?

Alcoholics Anonymous provides help to alcoholics in many countries including India. Beating of the people who need professional help shall be as much avoided as witch hunting. Thinking of the persons who use baton,whip or immobilize alcoholics or drug addicts, even temporarily, remind me of the prescience era when 'mental patients' were tied up, fettered, kicked and beaten up. The history is full of such actions. Reports of occasional death of victims of beating, flogging and cruel handling of alcohol/drug dependents, epileptics, mental or physical patients by exorcists and socially active groups/individuals/kin are not uncommon. For cure, science depends on the process known as detoxification - which essentially takes into consideration the etiology of toxic dependence. Social stigma and other damages incurred by the alcoholics/drug dependents including personal and family losses, domestic violence, criminal, unsocial behavior and personality disorganization are given due importance by professional workers in case taking, finding route to modern medicine, psychiatry, de-addiction, then setting rehabilitation program in operation, and finally a follow up plan putting in practice for alcoholics/drug addicts.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

To write this piece in 2011 on Facebook etc., never. But is 2011 that far from '11?

To write this piece in 2011 on Facebook etc., never. But is 2011 that far from '11?

Alcoholics Anonymous provides help to alcoholics in many countries including India. Beating of the people who need professional help shall be as much avoided as witch hunting. Thinking of the persons who use baton,whip or immobilize alcoholics or drug addicts, even temporarily, remind me of the prescience era when 'mental patients' were tied up, fettered, kicked and beaten up. The history is full of such actions. Reports of occasional death of victims of beating, flogging and cruel handling of alcohol/drug dependents, epileptics, mental or physical patients by exorcists and socially active groups/individuals/kin are not uncommon. For cure, science depends on the process known as detoxification - which essentially takes into consideration the etiology of toxic dependence. Social stigma and other damages incurred by the alcoholics/drug dependents including personal and family losses, domestic violence, criminal, unsocial behavior and personality disorganization are given due importance by professional workers in case taking, finding route to modern medicine, psychiatry, de-addiction, then setting rehabilitation program in operation, and finally a follow up plan putting in practice for alcoholics/drug addicts.