Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rajendra Kanu posted on Facebook on 24 July 2012 at about 10.20 PM
"Scholars like Naom Chomsky through his writings convinced us that handful operators of Stock exchanges, metal exchanges, commodity exchanges and currency exchanges and their collaborators are the root cause of evils of economic system prevails through the world and control the wealth of the world." 

Manjeet Chaturvedi commented on Rajendra's post on 25 July 2012 at 2.28 Am

"Chomsky is partially right. In a capitalist economic system, so much strengthening with the 'globalization', the operators are representing the super profit stakeholders who control the finance and banking capital - the easiest form of capital but getting complex with the advancement of capitalism. Capitalism depends upon this form of capital so much so that it invents easy instruments for super profit which may not succeed always because of social dynamics. Stock market ( with now added futures and options derivatives) is one of these instruments which evolved much earlier and another instrument is extending loans on easy terms. Present day crisis of capitalism owes its origin to these instruments as immediate causes. Finance capital is essentially a globalizing form mostly transacted through banks and stock markets. It is bound to fall into crisis after crisis."

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Debt of society

Every body owes it to society. Whatever we do or we don't do. The wealth that we create, accumulate,misappropriate, use or hide is a social product. On a different note, even the mental disorder state or anti-social behavior (crime and white collar crime included ) is generated by the order of society that obtain but do not function properly or change for progress.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A slow thaw for women reaching leadership positions - University World News

A slow thaw for women reaching leadership positions - University World News
In India this is more difficult for women graduates to reach at the top. Majority women graduate from small, medium towns and rural areas and unbranded or lesser known institutions and from middle, lower middle and lower classes ( castes included), well versed in regional languages but not much familiar to English ( the language used at the top) are excluded.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Angela Davis and Tim Wise: Capitalism, Privatization and Hope

Jacques Derrida on American Attitude