Life - Is it a solution?
What is algorithm has now become the one most important to explain life, its origin. Gregory Chaitin, the inventor of mathematical metabiology ( applying mathematics in bio) says that "DNA is mutlbillion-year-old software," and " the origin of life is really the origin of software". To quote Jag Bhalla, science blogger, "The logic of life is more complex than the inanimate sciences need. The deep structure of life’s interactions are algorithmic (loosely algorithms = logic with if-then-else controls). Can physics-friendly algebra capture life’s biochemical computations?" Algorithm is solution finding of complex and routine problems by arithmetic or computation. Computer programming depends upon algorithms and so does our life as programmed by nature.
I am not competent either in Mathematics or in Biology or in Computer programming or any natural science. I was a student of science till Class 12 which after 2 attempts I passed out in 1969.
I guess that the nature 'got' evolved the DNA software as the origin of life to 'get' solved a problem? What is this problem for which DNA got evolved? Whether the science research support this view, as a layman I would keep looking for an answer.
I am not competent either in Mathematics or in Biology or in Computer programming or any natural science. I was a student of science till Class 12 which after 2 attempts I passed out in 1969.
I guess that the nature 'got' evolved the DNA software as the origin of life to 'get' solved a problem? What is this problem for which DNA got evolved? Whether the science research support this view, as a layman I would keep looking for an answer.